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A review of e-health interventions for maternal and child health (MCH) to explore their influence on MCH practices in sub-Sahara Africa found a total of 18 relevant articles. Findings suggest that there is a need to move the application of ICT for MCH care from pilot initiatives to interventions involving all stakeholders on a sub-regional scale. These interventions should also adopt an integrated approach that takes care of the information needs at every stage along the continuum of care. It is anticipated that the study would be useful in the evolution and implementation of future ICT-based programmes for MCH in the region.


  1. Lemaire, J., Thouvenot, V. I., Toure, C., & Pons, J. S. (2015). Zero Mothers Die: A Global Project to Reduce Maternal and Newborn Mortality through the Systematic Application of Mobile Health and ICTs. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, 3, e8-1.
  2. Mackert, M., Guadagno, M., Donovan, E., & Whitten, P. (2014). Including Men in Prenatal Health: The Potential of e-Health to Improve Birth Outcomes. Telemedicine and e-Health.
  3. Thouvenot, V. I., & Holmes, K. (2015). Women and eHealth 2010–2015: From the Study to the Women Observatory for eHealth. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, 3, e7-1.