Everyone visiting the Global Health Network or the Global Research Nurses site has access to all the various resources available in the network. However, to become an involved member, take part in discussions and add your comments, you first need to become a registered member - membership is FREE.


When you are a member of the Global Health Network and thus the Global Research Nurses network, you can participate in all the activities of the network such as

  • joining groups
  • adding comments
  • starting or contributing to discussions 
  • adding bookmarks
  • doing e-learning courses 
  • joining the Professional Membership Scheme.

To find the blogs, bookmarks and groups, open the ‘Community’ tab on the Global Research Nurses site.  This is where, as a member, you can take part in discussions in the groups, add or comment on blogs and add bookmarks.

The e-learning courses and Professional Membership Schemes have their own tabs and are free to use when you are a member of the network.


To register, go to the top right corner of the homepage, and click on 'Register/Log on'. 

You will be taken to a page where you will be asked for an email address and a password. You can choose which sites in the Global Health Network you wish to join. However, as a member you can access all the network sites. Once registered, when you come back to any of the site in the Global Health Network you need to Sign in, again at the top right corner.

A list of all the Global Health Network sites will come up when you click on the ‘More’ button at the top of the page, or if you click on the TGHN logo. You can get to any site by clicking on it.


If you have documents that you have used in your studies and believe would be helpful for others, including training materials, SOPs, informed consent, etc. please share them with other members. You can post it up as a BLOG, or in one of the discussion groups. If you need help, you can email us: nurses@theglobalhealthnetwork.org

If you want to work as a team on a similar project, the Workspace tab offers a place where a group of people can work collaboratively to discuss ideas or produce shared resources.

I hope this helps you to get going, and that you will add your voice to the community of researchers in the network. 


All resources on the Global Health Network are free to use and to adapt as you like. If you do adapt a tool or template for use in your study, please could you post your improvements back to the Global Research Nurse site so that other members of the community can benefit from your modifications. Alternatively you can email us (nurses@theglobalhealthnetwork.org) and we will add your contribution on the site.

If the work you do using our tools and templates leads to published reports or papers, please could you support the utility of these tools by including an acknowledgement: "This work used free to use tools and/or templates from the Global Research Nurses’ network (http://globalresearchnurses.tghn.org), part of The Global Health Network (www.theglobalhealthnetwork.org)”