Advancing nursing research: Transforming healthcare approaches through quality research skills development

19-20th March 2020

Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LAUTH)

The Nigerian Faculty for Global Research Nurses hosted a fantastic 2-day research capacity building workshop for Nurses, in partnership with Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LAUTH) from 19-20th March 2020.

This session sought to grow a new generation of research nurses, further building and enhancing the community of research nurses as well as developing the Global Research Nurses Network in the western part of Nigeria, contributing to strengthening clinical research capacity. 

Speakers included local experienced research nurses, nursing research groups, University nursing departments, research nurses and nursing research tutors. The workshop was advertised through the media and health forums including HIFA, GANM, GHDOnline. Notification and information for registration was also forwarded directly to all teaching hospitals in Nigeria and shared across nursing blogs, using the electronic flyer pictured.

To learn more about the content of the workshop, access the full programme or download a full summary report of the workshop.



Please watch the following short interviews to hear directly from the workshop participants, offering insight into their experiences and the value of such initiatives.

Click here to watch the full video