Applications open on 27th July 2020. Grants awarded within this programme will be between £20,000 and £100,000.

The Covid-19 pandemic is presenting unprecedented challenges for the Nursing workforce. It is producing fresh stimuli to examine working practices and service redesign.  It is also threatening their mental health and well being.  Evidence-informed strategies and interventions are required to demonstrate nurses leading changes to clinical practice and service delivery.   Separate proposals are also required to describe evidence-based support for nurse’s mental health and psychological well being, both in the immediate and long term.

The Burdett Trust is interested in receiving nurse led proposals for evidence-based strategies and interventions which demonstrate innovative and sustainable changes to clinical practice and service redesign, as a result of learning gained through the pandemic.  It also wishes to receive proposals aimed at tackling the mental health and well being of nurses.  The Trust recognises that nursing is part of a workforce team and evidence submitted as part of proposals should reference that.
The Trust is keen to receive proposals that reflect a wide range of settings in particular those that are out of hospital and which cover both prevention and care in both health and social care. The programme looks to recognise and support nurses in a “new normal” world where our collective learning has led to real improvements for us all.
Please note that this programme will not support personal study.
Projects must be nurse-led and have the nursing contribution to healthcare at their core.  Proposals must be well-argued and demonstrate why the project is needed, what benefits and impacts it will deliver and how it will generate learning that can be shared, disseminated, and adopted more widely.
Grant applicatins are invited from charities, non-profit organisations and public bodies that wish to undertake innovative projects to strengthen nursing leadership. Projects must be nurse-led and demonstrate an innovative approach. The programme is not designed to support projects developed and undertaken by individuals and cannot award grants to private sector organisations.