Upcoming global events for 2024

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35th International Nursing Research Congress: 25 - 28 July 2024 Singapore | 6 – 8 August 2024 Virtual
Join Sigma in Singapore to connect and engage with over 800 nurse researchers, students, clinicians, and leaders dedicated to evidence-based research. The congress theme, "Sharing Insights, Advancing Care: Disseminating Nursing Research and Evidence for the Future," sets the stage for a dynamic and informative event. Participants will benefit from a wealth of knowledge and experience, reporting an increase in their nursing knowledge, skills, and overall practice. Additionally, attendees will find that the conference supports and helps them achieve their personal goals for attending, making it an invaluable experience for all involved.
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7th AFREhealth Annual Symposium – Celebrating Milestones and Overcoming Challenges: 6-8 August 2024 | Nairobi, Kenya
The African Forum for Research and Education in Health Limited by Guarantee (AFREhealth) (https://afrehealth.org/) is an interprofessional health professional network that works to improve the quality of health care in Africa through research, education and capacity building. AFREhealth holds annual symposium to bring together all health professionals to deliberate on health issues in Africa. The symposium provides an avenue for constructive exchange of innovative ideas, sharing of experiences and best practices, promoting research, building of lasting partnerships for improved health care in Africa and networking.
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Global health Recalibration – Strengthening Outcomes, Education, Clinical Practice and Research Conference: 4-6 September 2024 | Chiang Mai, Thailand
With the conference theme "Global Health Recalibration: Strengthening Outcomes, Education, Clinical Practice, and Research," the Faculty of Nursing at Chiang Mai University aims to bring together academics, practitioners, researchers, and research students from worldwide to share experiences, successes, challenges, and lessons learned.
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ICN NP / APN network Conference: 9-12 September 2024 Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
The ICN NP/APN Network Conference 2024 will provide the largest global forum for advanced practice nurses to network and collaborate on contemporary topics and future trends relevant to their practice. Our conference theme ‘Advanced practice nursing an invaluable investment for global health’ is inspired by the International Council of Nurses strategic priorities and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and Universal Health Coverage. Conference Themes: • Investing in the Advanced Practice Nurse Health Workforce • Advancements in Digital Health and Technology for Enhanced Advanced Practice Nurse Practice • Extending the Reach, Amplifying the Impact, and Realising the Value of Advanced Practice Nurse's • Advanced Practice Nurse's Role in Shaping a Healthier, More Equitable World • Educational and Regulatory Landscapes Shaping Advanced Practice Nursing • The Dynamics of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Advanced Practice Nursing • Aligning Advanced Practice Nursing with Global Health Imperatives and Health Systems Resilience
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ICM Regional Conference Africa and Eastern Mediterranean: 24-25 September 2024 | Kigali, Rwanda
This year ICM (International Confederation of Midwives) will be hosting two regional conferences specially tailored for midwives seeking to enhance their skills beyond clinical practice, to build a successful midwife association. We’ll focus on important topics like leadership, finances, advocacy, and more. Our interactive formats, workshops, and networking events, ensure diverse participation and actionable outcomes. Registration opens in March 2024—stay tuned for more information!
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6th Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Conference: 27-28 September 2024 | Malta
The 6th Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Conference is being held in partnership with the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 September 2024 in Malta. The 6th Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Conference is an opportunity, in an international forum, to ‘show the way’ you are meeting the challenges you face as a nurse or midwife whether it is improving health outcomes; achieving universal health coverage; preparing for or responding to disasters; mitigating climate change; meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, or any other challenge. Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024.
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The XVIII Pan American Nursing Research Colloquium – Innovation and Impact of Nursing Research and Leadership: 6 - 8 November 2024 | Santiago, Chile
La Escuela de Enfermería de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, como miembro de los Centros Colaboradores Panamericanos de Enfermería y Partería de OPS/OMS, tiene el agrado de presentar el XVIII Coloquio Panamericano de Investigación en Enfermería, cuyo tema será “Innovación e impacto de la investigación y liderazgo en enfermería”. Los ejes temáticos, convocan a profesionales que se desempeñen en distintos contextos y destacamos el énfasis del coloquio en: prácticas innovadoras para el cuidado de la salud; el rol de la práctica avanzada en enfermería; liderazgo y gestión estratégica; educación, práctica e investigación interprofesional; y la humanización en salud.
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ICM Regional Conference Europe: 07-08 November 2024 | Berlin, Germany
This year ICM will be hosting two regional conferences specially tailored for midwives seeking to enhance their skills beyond clinical practice, to build a successful midwife association. We’ll focus on important topics like leadership, finances, advocacy, and more. Our interactive formats, including workshops, and networking events, ensure diverse participation and actionable outcomes. Registration opens in March 2024—stay tuned for more information!
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ICN Congress 2025: 9-13 June 2025 | Helsinki, Finland
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) and the Finnish Nurses Association will co-host the 30th ICN Congress from 1-5 July 2023 in Helsinki, Finland.
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