Global Research Nurses workshops are a valuable and engaging way to learn, providing a fantastic opportunity for collective training sessions, skills transfer, networking and information sharing.

The range of workshops and format for delivering the sessions can be creatively designed to best serve the context of the learning. Initiatives such as these help to support and strengthen capacity at both an individual and institutional level. Please see the range of workshops delivered across various settings as part of the Global Research Nurses programme.

Previous workshops


10 August 2024

Sri Lanka - Workshop:
Reaching the horizons of nursing research


31 July 2024

Latin America & Caribbean - Webinar
 El Club de Investigación en Enfermería en Honduras y Argentina, una experiencia para contar a Latino America y Caribe

19 June 2024

Honduras - Webinar:
Webinar sobre Mentoría en Investigación: experiencia de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas UNAH y Global Research Nurses→

22 June 2024

Uganda - Workshop:
Evidence-based decision-making workshop for nursing and midwifery leaders and managers in Uganda→

17 May 2024

Argentina, La Matanza - Workshop:

Liderazgo y desarrollo de las competencias de Investigación en Enfermería→

24 May 2024

Honduras, Tegucigalpa - Workshop:
Taller Fortalecimiento de las capacidades en la investigación clínica para transformar y mejorar los cuidados de enfermería→

24 April 2024

Buenos Aires workshop in Argentina:
Investigacion y practica →

26 March 2024

Latin America - Workshop:
Oportunidades y Desafíos en la Publicación de Investigación en Enfermería en Latino América→

Nov 2023 - April 2024

Ethiopia - Workshop:
Nursing and Midwifery-led Qualitative Research Capacity Strengthening Workshops at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia →



November 2023

Namibia workshop:
Data analysis for nurses and midwives in health training institutions →



November 2023

Ghana workshop:
Data analysis for nurses and midwives in health training institutions →

November 2023

Nigeria workshop:
Improving the Effectiveness of Nursing Practice through Clinical Research →

November 2023

Argentina workshop:
Leadership and development of Nursing Research Skills →

October 2023

Peru workshop:
First steps for nursing and midwives research →

July – December 2023

Honduras workshop:
Research Mentoring for Nurses →

September 2023

Uganda workshop:
Grant Writing in Research for Nurses and Midwives in Africa →

June – August 2023

Brazil workshop:
Cycle of Nursing Research Workshops →

July – November 2023

Argentina workshop:
First steps in nursing research: strengthening research skills →

16 July 2023

Sri Lanka workshop:
How to set up your own Nursing Research study →

24 June 2023 & 18 July 2023

Pakistan workshop:
Nurse-led co-design methodology for developing community health nursing interventions →

29 April 2023

Uganda workshop:
Understanding Knowledge Translation in Research →

14 March 2023

Argentina Workshop:“ Training the trainers series”: curricular integration between clinical practice and scientific research in nursing. →


23 November 2022

Cape Town Symposium, South Africa
The Burdett Trust for Nursing RISE 2022:
Connecting Excellence in Nursing Research →


6-7 October 2022

India workshop 2022 →

06 September 2022

Research nurses in the frontline:
COVID-19 field experience, lessons and impact →

23 June 2022

Introduction to Research for nurses and midwives →

2-3 June 2022

Nigeria workshop →

26-27 April 2022

Nigeria workshop →

15 March 2022

India Conference →

Global Research Nurses workshop guidance updated on 25 July 2024.

Workshop/webinar proposal template updated on 07 July 2023. By clicking on the link provided, the report will be downloaded directly to your device. Kindly check your downloads folder to access the document.

Workshop/webinar report template updated on 22 July 2024. By clicking on the link provided, the report will be downloaded directly to your device. Kindly check your downloads folder to access the document.