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This study investigates the associations between women's autonomy and attitudes toward the acceptability of intimate-partner violence against women (IPVAW) and maternal health-care utilization outcomes. The findings suggest that strong and significant associations exist between autonomy, acceptability of IPVAW and utilization of maternal health-care services.


  1. Wang L. Factors influencing attitude toward intimate partner violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2016 Jul 1;29:72-8.

  2. Islam MJ, Broidy L, Baird K, Mazerolle P. Exploring the associations between intimate partner violence victimization during pregnancy and delayed entry into prenatal care: Evidence from a population-based study in Bangladesh. Midwifery. 2017 Apr 1;47:43-52.

  3. Fakir AM, Anjum A, Bushra F, Nawar N. The endogeneity of domestic violence: Understanding women empowerment through autonomy. World development perspectives. 2016 Jun 1;2:34-42.


Maternal Health  

