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Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness is among the key interventions that can reduce maternal mortality. Despite this, its status in Tanzania is not well documented. The authors assessed the practice and determinants of Birth preparedness and complication readiness among recently delivered women in Chamwino district, Central Tanzania. Findings suggest that the proportion of women who prepared for birth and its complications were found to be low. District reproductive and child health coordinator should emphasis on early and frequent antenatal care visits, since they were among predictors of birth preparedness and complication readiness.


  1. Sullivan TR, Hirst JE. Reducing maternal mortality: a review of progress and evidence-based strategies to achieve millennium development goal 5. Health Care Women Int.2011;32(10):901–16.

  2. The World Bank. Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2010 [Internet]. Hamel G, HeeneA, editors. Organization. World Health Organization; 2010.32(5):1–55. Available from:

  3. United Nations. The millennium development goals report 2012. In: New York United Nations 2012. 2012. p. 35.