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This paper presents a review of the available evidence on the effectiveness of community-based health interventions to improve the reproductive health status of young married couples in LMICs. Review suggests that multi-layered community-based interventions, targeting young married women, their families and the health system can improve utilization of reproductive health services among young couples in resource-constrained settings. The paper emphasizes the need for further research to fill the knowledge gaps that exist about improving utilization of reproductive healthcare services, especially safe abortion care among young married women in LMICs.


  1. Progress for children: a report card on adolescents. UNICEF, New York; 2012.

  2. WHO Guidelines on ‘preventing early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes among adolescents in developing countries. WHO, Geneva; 2011. 

  3. Santhya KG, Jejeebhoy SJ. Sexual and reproductive health needs of married adolescent girlsEco Pol Wkly. 2003; 41:4370-7.