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Trend data for causes of child death are crucial to inform priorities for improving child survival by and beyond 2015. We report child mortality by cause estimates in 2000–13, and cause-specific mortality scenarios to 2030 and 2035. The authors in this study estimated the distributions of causes of child mortality separately for neonates and children aged 1–59 months. The study results provide concrete examples of how the distribution of child causes of deaths could look in 15–20 years to inform priority setting in the post-2015 era. More evidence is needed about shifts in timing, causes, and places of under-5 deaths to inform child survival agendas by and beyond 2015, to end preventable child deaths in a generation, and to count and account for every newborn and every child.


  1. The UN Inter-Agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation. Levels and trends in child mortality: report 2013. UNICEF, New York; 2013

  2. Bryce, J, Black, RE, and Victora, CG. Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5: progress and challenges. BMC Med. 2013; 11: 225

  3. Independent Expert Review Group for the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women's and Children's Health. Every Woman Every Child: strengthening equity and dignity through health.; 2013.


Child Health  

