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The momentum to bring adolescents and young adults to center stage in global health and international development is palpable. Adolescents are increasingly seen as a crucial group for the success of the newly adopted Agenda for Sustainable Development. The recent supplement in the "Journal of Adolescent Health" titled "Interventions to Address Adolescent Health and Well-Being: Current State of the Evidence" focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of various interventions targeting adolescent age group including sexual reproductive health, nutrition, immunisation, substance abuse, menatl health and injury prevention.


  1. World Health Organization. Health for the world's adolescents. A second chance in the second decade. World Health OrganizationGeneva2014 (Available at:)

  2. World Health Organization. Adolescents: Health risks and solutions. Fact sheet 345. 2014(Available at:

  3. Patton, G.C., Coffey, C., Cappa, C. et al. Health of the world's adolescents: A synthesis of internationally comparable data. Lancet20123791665–1675