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The objective of thsi review was to determine the effect of interventions to engage men during pregnancy, childbirth and infancy on mortality and morbidity, as well as effects on mechanisms by which male involvement is hypothesised to influence mortality and morbidity outcomes: home care practices, care-seeking, and couple relationships. Findings suggets that interventions to engage men in maternal and newborn health can increase care-seeking, improve home care practices, and support more equitable couple communication and decision-making for maternal and newborn health. These findings support engaging men as a health promotion strategy, although evidence gaps remain around effects on mortality and morbidity. Findings also indicate that interventions to increase male involvement should be carefully designed and implemented to mitigate potential harmful effects on couple relationship dynamics.


  1. Greene ME, Mehta M, Pulerwitz J, Wulf D, Bankole A, Singh S. Involving men in reproductive health: contributions to development. UN Millennium Project; 2004.

  2. World Health Organization. WHO recommendations on health promotion interventions for maternal and newborn health. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015.

  3. Sternberg P, Hubley J. Evaluating men's involvement as a strategy in sexual and reproductive health promotion. Health Promot Int. 2004;19(3): 389–396. pmid:15306623.