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The year 2015 marks a defining moment for the health of women, children, and adolescents. It is the end point of the United Nations’ millennium development goals, and their transition to the sustainable development goals. In 2010, confronted with unacceptably high rates of maternal and child mortality, the UN secretary general called on the world to develop a strategy to improve maternal and child health in the world’s poorest and high burden countries, starting with 49 low income countries. The articles in this collection examine the evidence and the thinking that form the basis of the new global strategy.


  1. Every Woman Every Child. Saving lives protecting futures. 2015.

  2. World Health Organization. State of inequality: reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. WHO,

  3. Guttmacher Institute. Adding it up: the costs and benefits of investing in sexual and reproductive health 2014. May 2015.