This is your chance to share your Global Health Clinical Research experiences. Tell others about your studies, your ideas and your research site. What happened with your study today? Have you had any tricky issues, perhaps you solved one? Please tell us...

6 September


12 top tips for writing a grant application from the MRC

By GHN_Editors

Sitting down to write a grant application? Recently submitted a proposal or been successful in the last MRC board round? ...

30 July


How can research be conducted ethically in global health emergencies? Please contribute your views

By Susan

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has convened an inquiry into how research can be conducted ethically in global health emergencies. ...

25 July


Workshop report: From vast volumes of digital recordings to useful outputs - unpacking the black box

By GHN_Editors

We are part of a group of social scientists conducting a range of health-related studies in Kilifi, on the Coast ...

2 July


East African Research in Progress meeting: Submit your abstract by 31 July!

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

25 June


We need new strategies to tackle poor-quality medicines

By The_Editorial_Team

Paul Newton, head of the Medicine Quality Group, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO), University of Oxford/MORU Tropical Health Network   ...

15 June


Job Opportunity: Community Engagement with Health Research (Oxford, UK)

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

14 June


The vulnerability and health research paradox: Ethics, gender, trust and power

By GHN_Editors

This new blog from the REACH group follows an interesting debate around ethics, gender, trust and power in research:   ...

27 May


Job opportunity in Malawi: Global Action in Nursing - Midwifery Mentor

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

23 April


"Ready to beat malaria" - World Malaria Day 2018

By The_Editorial_Team

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...


Protected Together - World Immunization Week, 24 - 30 April 2018

By The_Editorial_Team

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

17 April


One Health: Many Perspectives - Emerging research from LMICs conference at LSTM

By GHN_Editors

Researcher symposium are inviting researchers based within and outside academia to submit abstracts to the upcoming event:   “One Health, ...

3 April


Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships - now open for applications

By GHN_Editors

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships are for candidates from least developed and lower middle income Commonwealth countries, for part-time Master’s study ...

23 March


ONE HEALTH CONGRESS 2018: Saskatoon, Canada

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

22 March


International Symposium on Zika Virus Research

By The_Editorial_Team

Location: Marseille, France Date: 4-6th June 2018   ZIKAlliance will host a scientific congress on Zika virus at the Faculty ...

13 March


RSTMH Small grants 2018

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...