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Free MOOC from the University of Toronto - Death 101; Shaping the Future of Global Health

About this Course:
Death 101 enables students to investigate health problems affecting large populations – the whole world in fact! By understanding the big numbers in global mortality and their causes and distributions, this course teaches you to think numerically about global health. We use real data from real people to ask the questions: What are the major causes of death in the world? Why do we need cause of death statistics? How does counting the dead help the living? Death 101 is designed for MOOC students and is built for online learning.

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Bookmarked by Jimmy Antony on 4 Feb 2015
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Clinton Health Access Initiative looking for Manager: Nursing and Midwifery, in Monrovia, Liberia

The Government of Liberia is developing and implementing a bold and comprehensive plan to build a well-educated and trained workforce, from CHWs through specialized physicians. The Clinton Health Access Initiative is supporting the government in this effort. A team is being assembled in Liberia, and a Nursing and Midwifery Manager position is available.
Please see the posting at:

Interested candidates should apply on-line

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 23 Jan 2015
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Women Deliver - Apply now for Young Leader's programme

Women Deliver invites youth advocates (under age 30), who are passionate about maternal, sexual and reproductive health and rights, to be involved in their Young Leaders Programme. (LYP)

The YLP is a three-year fellowship opportunity for young people under the age of 30 who are working to advance the health, rights, and well-being of girls and women around the world

Application process closes on 1st March 2015.

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 16 Jan 2015
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International Engagement awards from the Wellcome Trust

The Wellcome Trust International Engagement Awards provide funding for innovative public or community engagement projects that explore biomedical research or health in Africa or Asia.
Expressions of interest to be received before 27th February 2015.

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 16 Jan 2015
0 points

Global Health Corps Fellowships

2015 - 2016 Fellowship positions, OPEN NOW.

Opportunities are available in several countries.

Applications close 3rd February 2015.

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 12 Jan 2015
0 points