The Global Health Network and Global Research Nurses are excited to announce the launch of a special initiative aimed at fostering and strengthening research partnerships in the field of nursing and midwifery. Through the Pump-priming Grant program 2024, 3 unique Travel Awards of up to £3,000 GBP will be offered to cover the expenses associated with exchange visits that support the enhancement and consolidation of research collaborations between institutions and researchers.


Global Research Nurses Pump Priming Grants 2024: Travel Award aims to enhance nursing and midwifery research leadership by fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, professional development, innovation, and global health equity. Through participation in exchange visits and collaborative initiatives, nurses and midwives have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the advancement of nursing and midwifery research and practice on a local, national, and global scale.

Global Research Nurses Pump Priming Grants 2024: Travel Award

  • The Global Research Nurses Pump Priming Grants 2024: Travel Awards aim to advance knowledge, foster innovation, and promote best practices in nursing and midwifery research.
  • These grants provide funding for activities aimed at developing sustainable research partnerships in the nursing and midwifery fields.
  • The Travel Awards will cover travel expenses, including airfare, accommodation, and local transportation, up to a maximum amount of £3,000 GBP. Please note that per diems are not covered by this award.
  • These Travel Awards are designed to encourage the development of new collaborations and are not intended to replace support for established partnerships. Please note that the scheme is not a funding source to support conference attendance.
  • Applicants are urged to carefully assess the necessity of travel before submitting an application.
  • The application deadline is midnight (BST) on 14 April 2024.


Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for these grants the lead applicant should:

  1. Be a member of Global Research Nurses at The Global Health Network (if you’re not already, just sign up now – it’s free.)
  2. Be employed by a non-commercial organization in LMICs (LMICs are defined as all countries included in the DAC list of ODA Recipients. List available here).
  3. Applicants must hold the role of a clinical nurse, research nurse or midwife (this award is open to all levels of seniority from junior nurses through to senior nurses, as well as nurses in leadership or management positions).
  4. Applicants must be eligible for a visa to enter the host country. The awardee will be responsible for obtaining a business visa for travel to the host country. If the awardee is refused a visa, the award will be forfeited.



Judging criteria

  • Relevance of the exchange visit: The proposed exchange visit should clearly outline how it aims to strengthen an existing research partnership or initiate a new collaboration in the field of nursing and midwifery research. Applicants should articulate the significance of the exchange visit in advancing shared research goals and addressing key research challenges.
  • Potential impact: Judges will assess the potential impact of the exchange visit on nursing and midwifery research leadership, practice, and outcomes. Applicants should demonstrate how the exchange visit will contribute to advancing knowledge, fostering innovation, and promoting best practices in nursing and midwifery research within and beyond their respective institutions or geographic locations.
  • Clarity and feasibility: Proposals will be evaluated based on the clarity and feasibility of the planned exchange visit. Applicants should provide a detailed and well-structured plan outlining the objectives, activities, timeline, and anticipated outcomes of the exchange visit. Clear communication of roles, responsibilities, and logistical arrangements is essential to ensure the successful implementation of the proposed activities.
  • Collaborative activities: The exchange visit should facilitate meaningful interaction and collaboration between researchers from different institutions or geographic locations. Judges will evaluate the extent to which the proposed activities promote knowledge exchange, skill-building, mentorship, and joint research endeavours. Priority will be given to proposals that emphasize reciprocal learning and mutual benefit for all parties involved.
  • Budget justification: Applicants must provide a comprehensive budget justification that clearly outlines how the requested funds will be utilized to support the exchange visit. The budget should align with the proposed activities and demonstrate cost-effectiveness, transparency, and accountability. Judges will assess the reasonableness of the budget and its alignment with the overall goals and objectives of the travel award.

Applicants are encouraged to address each criterion thoughtfully and concisely to maximize their chances of securing funding for their travel project.

Application Process

  • Applicants would need to provide the information in either English, Spanish or Portuguese.
  • Please use the links below to access the guidance material and online application form for this programme:
  • Applicants are strongly advised to apply well in advance of the deadline: midnight (BST) on 14 April 2024.
  • Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts based on the above judging criteria.
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the 31st May 2024.

Example of previous winner:

Caroline Lopes Ciofi Silva, Intensive Care Unit Nurse and Researcher from Brazil.

Project: Caroline received a travel award to visit Glasgow Caledonian University, fostering collaboration between research groups in Glasgow and São Paulo. The aim was to enhance research skills and facilitate the development of future collaborative projects focusing on antimicrobial resistance. Her achievement was highlighted in the Global Network for Nursing and Midwifery's LINKS Magazine published by the Network of World Health Organization Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, featured on pages 50-51. You can read more about her journey and the impact of the award here:



Terms and conditions

  • Applicants may submit multiple entries, but only one will be funded per round/grant call.
  • Applications can be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
  • Applications must be submitted completing the provided online form. Applications sent via email will not be accepted. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • The maximum project award is £3,000 GBP. All budgets must be submitted in GBP, applications submitting budgets in any other currency will be excluded.
  • Global Research Nurses and The Global Health Network reserve the right to request information on short notice if the minimum information requested in the application form has not been provided.
  • Costs not covered by the Global Research Nurses Pump Priming Grants 2024: Travel Award include: per diem and personal expenses.
  • Applications will be assessed by a panel comprising Global Research Nurses, The Global Heath Network, and collaborators. The selection committee reserves the right to consider additional factors, such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, when assessing applications. Reviewers’ decisions are final.
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application no later than the 31 May 2024.
  • Global Research Nurses will issue a Research Collaboration Agreement contract (drafted and executed by University of Oxford) which must be signed by a formal representative of the awardee’s Institute (usually the research manager at the University or similar of the Lead Applicant).
  • Awardees will liaise and embed their award projects within Global Research Nurses regional activities and The Global Health Network regions, providing monthly updates.
  • The award activity must be completed by 30 November 2024.
  • A comprehensive written report or publication is expected from the awardee by 31 December 2024 summarizing the outcomes of the travel award and its implications for nursing and midwifery-led research. This report should be submitted to the Global Research Nurses program coordinator. It should encompass details of the activities undertaken during the travel, insights gained, and any future plans or recommendations resulting from the experience. Additionally, the report or a link to any subsequent publication will be published on the Global Research Nurses website at The Global Health Network.
  • Awardees will present and share their project’s journey and outcomes at a Global Research Nurses webinar. Date to be confirmed.
  • Awardees will join the research mentorship network for nurses and midwives to share their research experiences and provide support to peers.
  • All travel project spending must be completed by 30th November 2024. This deadline is not extendable.
  • A ‘Statement of Expenditure’ or list of transactions will also be required.
  • Global Research Nurses and The Global Health Network reserves the right to withhold or reclaim awarded funds in cases of non-compliance or misconduct.
  • Any published or presented material from these grants will need to acknowledge the Partnership funding support – including statements such as “This work was supported by The Burdett Trust for Nursing (SB\LG\101010662\795104)”.
  • By submitting an application for the Global Research Nurses Pump Priming Grants 2024: Travel Award, applicants agree to abide by these terms and conditions.


Enquiries about the application process may be directed to Arancha de la Horra, Global Research Nurses Programme Coordinator, at or

Join us in strengthening research partnerships and advancing nursing and midwifery research worldwide through the GRN Pump-Priming Grant: Travel Award!


Global Research Nurses is a programme funded by The Burdett Trust for Nursing