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Clinical research nurses are busy people!

The Global Health Network Training Centre is therefore designed to offer snappy, practical 'how to' training courses that can be completed within 60-90 minutes, and more specialised modules can be taken over several sessions. However because some nurses don't find it easy to access a computer, don't have much experience with eLearning or prefer a more personal experience with career development, the South African Faculty of TGHN piloted a blended-learning approach to using the eLearning and many other resources TGHN has to offer. Among other things, the GRN coordinator was available to coach nurses as to how to become a TGHN member and sign up for a module, on occaision taking her computer to a peripheral site with no facilities and offered lunch time discussion groups facilitated by a vounteer content expert.

Nurses were a significant group who took part in the pilot and really threw themselves into the programme (as you will see by the photos!). Feedback was very positive and a manual is being prepared so that other groups may implement or adapt the approach in their own context. Please contact us should you like to do so as we'd be very glad to walk you though it.