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Clinfield - a website with a focus on career development for research nurses.

Clinfield's aim is: 'we hope to create a place where research nurses can find support, information and fresh new ideas to develop exciting and satisfying careers in clinical research.'
The Resources on this site are very useful.

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 21 Dec 2012
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WHO is pleased to launch a collaborative field-testing exercise to explore implementation and usability of their Pilot Safe Childbirth Checklist in multiple settings. WHO encourages the participation of health-care institutions, research organizations, nongovernmental organizations and others who are interested in improving maternal and newborn health. Participants from around the world are invited to conduct implementation research and generate information on the most effective ways of implementing and using the checklist, in a range of settings.

Follow this link to take part in the collaboration.

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 26 Nov 2012
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The Global Nursing Leadership Institute offers advanced leadership programmes for nurses and midwives from across the world.

The next GNLI will take place from 7th - 13th SEPTEMBER 2013.

Applications must be received between 15th DECEMBER 2012 and 15th FEBRUARY 2013.

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 19 Nov 2012
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New born care videos

These videos give clear information about care of the newborn. They are bookmarked here in response to requests from visitors to the network.

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Bookmarked by Nicola McHugh on 19 Nov 2012
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Second Round of Mass General Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech)

The Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech) is a global consortium of academic, clinical, corporate and implementation partners working to expedite and improve affordable medical technology development for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). CAMTech’s mission is to co-create, test and deploy innovative, high-quality and affordable health technologies to improve health outcomes in the poorest regions of the world. CAMTech’s first priority area will focus on maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH).

Please follow this link to access the second round of innovation awards announcement.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 6 Nov 2012
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